Lilley Volunteers Awards
Northsiders are the first to step forward when someone needs a helping hand.
Volunteers give their time, skills and effort for the betterment of our community, often without any acknowledgement. They are essential to the Lilley community and their selfless contributions make all of our lives better.
While we know these volunteers do not do their work for the credit, their hard work deserves to be recognised and appreciated.
If you know any Northside person, business or community group who has been upstanding in our community, please nominate them for one of the Lilley Volunteers Awards.
Laurie Jeays Award for Contribution to the Preservation of our Environment
This award is dedicated to the many volunteers who participate in land and environmental conservation and education; the rescue and rehabilitation of sick, injured, and orphaned animals; and the frequently overlooked support that goes on behind the scenes. Whether it be fundraising or creating awareness of issues, being outdoors regardless of the weather to care for animals, or working up a sweat with conservation management, this award recognises the devotion of these volunteers. This award can also be for someone who has dedicated a lot of time and energy to recycling initiatives or fundraising for solar panels etc.
Elaine Darling Lifetime Contribution to Volunteering Award
Presented in honour of an individual who has made an exemplary life-long contribution to volunteering (15+ years) and who through their volunteering has contributed to the betterment of the Lilley community
Young Volunteer Award (Under 11s)
Honouring an impressive young volunteer (Primary age). Young volunteers contribute to our communities in many ways. From sports and the arts, to health care, to emergency services, to social welfare and the environment, young volunteers play an active role in every aspect of community life.
We encourage community leaders, parents, teachers and coaches to nominate a young person who goes that extra mile for their community, for example, they may be consistently helpful in staying behind after sport practice or band to help pack up, or in ensuring there is no littler left in the playground after lunch, or helping their peers to recycle. This is for any young person who is always willing to help out and volunteer their time for their community.
Young Volunteer Award (12-18s)
Honouring an impressive young volunteer (Secondary age). Young volunteers contribute to our communities in many ways. From sports and the arts, to health care, to emergency services, to social welfare and the environment, young volunteers play an active role in every aspect of community life.
We encourage community leaders, parents, teachers and coaches to nominate a young person who has dedicated their time to bettering their school community or wider community. That may be through a school volunteering program where they have gone above and beyond, or through starting a recycling program at school, or volunteering to tutor their peers or younger students, or any other activity that shows a commitment to helping others.
Lilley Volunteer Group or Community Project Award
The Volunteer Group or Program of the Year Award recognises the exceptional things that corporate, civic, and volunteer organisations and groups have achieved across Lilley. Sometimes there’s not just one volunteer making a significant impact – it can be a whole group that comes together to make amazing things happen. Organisations and volunteers, as well as members of the community, are encouraged to nominate their own volunteer group or volunteer-run program to recognise the positive impact it has had.
Lilley Volunteer Award for Corporate Social Responsibility
The Lilley Volunteer Award for Corporate Social Responsibility is to recognise philanthropy in the business sector. We encourage community leaders or members to nominate a Lilley Business that is committed to giving back to the community and has a strong set of values through which they perform their business.